Joys Mondays by Midnight

On being barefoot

I pulled weeds and raked a little patch of greenery in our backyard today. I call it greenery because very little of it resembles grass but the weeds are still very green. It made me think of the lush green lawn of my mom and dad’s house of my growing up years. I miss being barefoot like I did in my childhood days.

All the lawns seem greener and easier on your toes in Minnesota. So, I often take off my shoes and walk barefoot through the grass when I am there. This past June was no exception. In-between the wedding and the reception, my oldest daughter and I took our dress shoes off and walked through the grass to where the car was waiting to take us the reception. We paused a moment and took a picture of our toes and our faces, capturing a moment of delight.

I’ve known for a while that sunshine, music, water, and friends contribute to happy vibes for me. It turns out that being barefoot is a part of that. Makes sense. How about you? What brings happy vibes for you or makes you nostalgic?

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