Many of the blossoms of the tree have blown off and settled just beneath it. The white petals lie on the green grass yet some still cling to the branches. The wind is blowing and pink and purple flowers wave to gray skies.
Even though there have been cancellations, isolations, and empty store shelves, Spring has returned.
Cancelled plans scattered on the lawn, making its own temporary beauty out of deep disappointments. Clinging to the branch of hope that lives will be spared due to the cancellations. While we hunker down and wait for the oncoming storm, there are flowers waving in the wind like Italians singing from their balconies with tambourines and accordions.
Unlike tornadoes that come quickly, this storm is taking a long time to arrive. We wait and wait. How can time seem slow and ever-changing at the same time?
The storm is coming. Another burst of wind, another batch of cancellations. Soon it will be people we know with the virus, maybe even us. In a time when nothing seems certain and everything is changing daily, Spring arrives.
A reminder that there are a few things that remain constant: the seasons, the sun’s rising and setting, and a God who never changes.
May we cling to the hope that doesn’t disappoint: In his great mercy, he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil, or fade – kept in heaven for you. I Peter 1:3-4