Mondays by Midnight Writing

Some is better than none

Happy First Anniversary to “Mondays by Midnight.” A year ago I challenged myself to write something and post it online each week by midnight on Mondays. I figured giving myself a deadline would encourage me to do it. 

The midnight deadline soon gave way to finishing it before I went to bed. Which then gave way to posting a day or two later. Which gave way to occasionally missing a week or two. But, even if I skipped some weeks, eventually I returned and posted again. Through this process I have posted 38 out of 52 weeks — which is 73% of the time. It is much less than an ideal 90-95% rate. But it is much more public writing than I’ve done before. 

Oh, how I would love to say that I posted on time every week — or even that I posted every week. But I cannot. 

This reminds me of our family’s bowling mantra: “Some is better than none.” We would chant this when someone hit one or two pins knocked down. It helped us to embrace that a few pins knocked down is better than a gutter ball. Of course, we’re disappointed that it’s not a strike or a spare but some really is better than none. Even if it is one or two pins. Some Mondays by Midnight posts are better than none even if it is only 73% of the time. 

I have gained so much by writing these posts. Your responses have been the best part — when you’ve shared something that resonated or wrote a comment on the post itself or told me in person how much you’ve enjoyed them. It has made it worthwhile to throw some of my words at the world. It encourages me to keep going.

I plan to keep doing this. I hope you plan to keep reading and to keep letting me know what resonates with you. 

Follow along at IG, FB or on my website kathleenjaeger dot com. I also hope this encourages you in your own life to keep pressing on in some area. It matters. In what area does ‘some is better than none’ help you?

#mondays by midnight 

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