Some is better than none

Happy First Anniversary to “Mondays by Midnight.” A year ago I challenged myself to write something and post it online each week by midnight on Mondays. I figured giving myself a deadline would encourage me to do it.  The midnight deadline soon gave way to finishing it before I went to bed. Which then gave …

To know and to be known

We met in the city where our friendships began.  We came from Colorado, Iowa, Tennessee, North Dakota, and Minnesota to spend 48 hours together.  Back in the day, we forged our friendships through homework, tests, first kisses, prom dresses, broken hearts, early morning bible studies, and late night slumber parties. We went  rollerskating & sledding. …

On being barefoot

I pulled weeds and raked a little patch of greenery in our backyard today. I call it greenery because very little of it resembles grass but the weeds are still very green. It made me think of the lush green lawn of my mom and dad’s house of my growing up years. I miss being …

Camp, O Camp.

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways… Storybook, Lost Timber, and Horton Haven you each have a place in my heart From my first love to my current love From two weeks at a time to visiting for a day From cleaning bathrooms to washing pots and pans From leading cabins to …